Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year & New Dreams by Rachel Brooks

2015 is officially upon us. It's a perfectly blank canvas full of exciting possibilities and unknown adventures!

I hope we all have a better year in 2015, no matter how amazing (or not) your 2014 was. Because it can always be better, we can always have more goals and dreams.

Part of what makes the publishing industry so exciting is that it's filled with optimists and creative minds. We're either hoping tomorrow will be a day filled with great news, that a brilliant idea will strike, or a long awaited accomplishment will be achieved.

Writers, agents, editors, book sellers, readers, illustrators—we're a bunch of life-lovers. We love to read about, or create, or help share other people's stories and journeys, becoming sometimes as invested in them as if they were our own. If anyone can hope that every year is better than the previous one, it's us!

We can dream it, so it CAN happen.

Here's to a great 2015 for all!


Suzon George said...

I wish you and all the readers of your blog a healthy and productive new year.

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