Thursday, May 24, 2012

My Nonfiction Book on 50 Shades

So, I can finally announce my exciting news!

I am editing a collection of essays on 50 Shades of Grey, titled 50 Writers on 50 Shades for Ben Bella Books.  I'll announce the line up of authors in a few weeks, but I am looking for different takes on the trilogy, both positive and negative. But you already know where I stand on this debate.

And please feel free to make suggestions for contributors.  I am especially looking for a female 21 year old Seattle college student's take on Ana, so please pass that on.

Read my Publisher's Marketplace write up below for a more complete description:

May 23, 2012


Lori Perkins's 50 WRITERS ON 50 SHADES OF GREY, an anthology by a panel of insiders - from the editor who first "discovered" Fifty Shades of Grey, to BDSM experts, erotica authors, feminists, romance writers, and a whole lot more - extending the conversation about the pop culture phenomenon that has captured the imaginations of so many, from the sexual politics and its fanfiction origins to what sets it apart from other erotic fiction and romance (and what doesn't), to Leah Wilson at BenBella Books, for publication in December 2012, by Louise Fury at L. Perkins Agency(World).


Joy Daniels (@authorjdaniels) said...

Woo hoo! It's going to be AMAZING!!

Meg said...

This is fascinating. I can't wait to read it. (I'm in the middle of the trilogy right now and am loving it, despite my initial "no way" attitude.)

I was a little unclear on one point -- are you excepting proposals or only recommendations?

Anonymous said...


Either proposals or recommendations, but asap, as I have to hand in a list of invited contributors to my editor on Tuesday!!!

Unknown said...

I wish I had known about this earlier! After watching the last few weeks of buzz about 50 Shades, my mind keeps leaping back to the early 1970s and the mainstream acceptance of the Deep Throat film.

Anonymous said...

Are you still accepting proposals for essays or has that ship sailed?

Eden Bradley-Eve Berlin said...

I wish I'd seen this sooner, as well. I've been following this phenomenon very closely, particularly since it's having such a profound effect on my own career. And as someone involved in BDSM practice for most of my adult life I'm thrilled by anything that will make what we do more acceptable to the general public.
I'll be very interested to see this book!